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    • 广州安费诺电子有限公司乔迁
      2019 - 05 - 23

      广州安费诺电子有限公司搬迁通知广州安费诺电子有限公司于2019年4月28日搬迁至新办公室。相关信息如下:新公司地址:广州市黄埔区科汇金谷科汇四街10号9楼联系我们:020-32106099(其他联系方式不变)P.C:510663对于公司搬迁造成的不便,我们深表歉意!我们公司将把这次搬迁作为新的起点,进一步为您提供更好的产品和服务。再次感谢您对公司的支持与合作很长一段时间!祝你一切顺利!                                                                                                                                                                            ...

    • 新能源汽车电气连接技术高峰论坛成功举行
      2019 - 04 - 15

      4月12日至13日,由Connected New Energy主办,苏州AEM技术联合举办的第三届中国新能源汽车电气连接技术高峰论坛在上海IBP国际会议中心成功举办。电气连接技术论坛是由新能源和新能源主办的中国新能源汽车先进技术系列论坛之一,主要关注这一电气连接领域。论坛吸引了数百名相关领域的技术专家和高级管理人员参加。此外,电动汽车行业的专家分享了宝贵的技术经验。Amphenol总是分享“新能源汽车高压连接器技术演变和案例介绍”的主题。首先,Sherlock.Wan简要介绍了新能源汽车高压连接器的发展,市场品牌形势和当前的技术挑战。他还解释了连接器标准背后的想法,并详细解释了“插件”连接器的设计案例。并展望了高压连接器的发展趋势。

    • Globalization of LED Lighting in China
      2013 - 12 - 11

      Recently, the Ministry of Science and Technology of China informed the media in Beijing that at present, LED lighting has huge industrial, economic, technological and social effects, and is regarded as a strategic emerging industry by many countries around the world. 'LED lighting is a global opportunity, and strengthening global cooperation is an important part of its industrial development.'In terms of cooperation with developed countries and emerging economies, through the International Science and Technology Cooperation Program, the State Key Laboratory of Semiconductor Lighting of China has established the International Open Innovation Center, an overseas research and development entity, at Delft University in the Netherlands, and jointly trained PhD and postdoctoral students....

    • Globalization of LED Lighting in China(1)
      2013 - 12 - 11

      Recently, the Ministry of Science and Technology of China informed the media in Beijing that at present, LED lighting has huge industrial, economic, technological and social effects, and is regarded as a strategic emerging industry by many countries around the world. 'LED lighting is a global opportunity, and strengthening global cooperation is an important part of its industrial development.'In terms of cooperation with developed countries and emerging economies, through the International Science and Technology Cooperation Program, the State Key Laboratory of Semiconductor Lighting of China has established the International Open Innovation Center, an overseas research and development entity, at Delft University in the Netherlands, and jointly trained PhD and postdoctoral students....